Review: is a service aimed primarily to Canadians to allow us to order merchandise from US e-commerce sites that don't ship to Canada.

How it works: You download the BorderFree software which adds a bookmark to your browser. Then, when you surf to the page describing the item you want to order on any retailer's page you select that bookmark and it submits the item to BorderFree for a quote. Within 30 minutes you should receive an e-mail saying your quote is ready.

Your quote is in Canadian dollars and lists all duties, taxes and shipping costs so you get a simple total price for you to consider. If you think the cost is worth it you simply click to put the purchase through (after submitting credit card information to BorderFree of course).

BorderFree then notifies you when your order reaches the border and notifies you again when it ships to you. There is no tracking number like you would get with UPS since they ship to you via Expedited Post.

Overall, it's a simple and hassle-free way to order items not usually available to Canadians. However, you pay a premium at $15 for shipping of most items. I find that usually you can find most available in Canada or you can at least find something equivalent. BorderFree should only be an option when you're desperate for an item you can't obtain here in the Great White North.

Another drawback is that BorderFree's ordering process prevents you from using gift certificates, coupons or other promotional features that are popular with American e-commerce sites so you're paying full price for the items you want.


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