(ie. the innovative ones)


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They use your computer to process calculations when it's idle. What do you get in return? Flooz! You have to have a broadband connection though (DSL or cable modem). During their trial period (Nov 13th 2000 ~ Mar 31st 2001) they're being a bit more generous with their payouts.

  • Get paid monthly in Flooz (at varying rates; for instance, you get paid more if your machine is idle during business hours EST)
  • First 10,000 qualified registrations get $5 Flooz bonus
  • $1 Flooz for each qualified referral
  • Win a Porsche contest to be held for members on New Years Day 2001
  • Weekly drawing for a Palm device beginning Dec 1st 2000
  • "Flooz bucks are paid whenever our customers can access your PC's idle capacity" ...so stay away from your computer!

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Sort of like "Wheel of Fortune," BigBroom sends you a daily e-mail and lets you visit sites to earn letters that you collect to complete a phrase. Complete phrases get you prizes such as PDAs, trips and more.

  • earn letters by clicking on e-mail links and visiting sites
  • collect enough letters to complete a phrase and win a prize
  • pretty simple, doesn't take much time to do daily

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Get paid to view commercials and instant ads. Simply download their taskbar notification program that alerts you when there is a new ad available. They'll pay you up to $10 USD per commercial.

  • minimum 25 cents (and up to $10 USD) paid for each commercial viewed
  • minimum 5 cents paid for each instant ad viewed
  • must have Macromedia Flash installed
  • remember to complete your profile on their site to be eligible for higher value ads
  • make 20% of your referral's earnings and 10% of your indirect referrals' earnings for up to 4 levels
  • minimum payout amount is $30 CDN or $20 USD

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Do searches, find the "eye" icon and click on that to earn 1 cents. Up to 25 clicks per day for a maximum of 25 cents per day.

  • get paid cash
  • earn up to 25 cents per day to do searches through the SearchCactus site (make sure you're logged in)

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Take surveys to earn points. Redeem points for chances to win prizes or for CD samplers.

  • get points for completing surveys
  • win prizes with your points
  • prizes typically include digital cameras, video game systems and the like

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Get 10 cents USD for every ten times you visit their home page. Later on they'll pay for searches and other things done through their portal page. You also get paid for each time your referrals and extended referrals earns anything through their site.

  • earn 10 cents USD per 10 page views of their portal page
  • later will add other earning opportunities such as searches






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