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Find Max (Entry into Million Points Contest)
Check the news section of this site to find out where Max was last spotted (he disappears sometimes).

Take a break, see today's Bizarro comic!
Yearly (or one-time)
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Marriott Desert Springs (250 Points)
Register for their mail list! Refresh page until link shows up.

Marriott Camel Back Inn (250 Points)
Register for their mail list! Refresh page until link shows up. (200 Points)
Just register! (75 Points)
Just register!

Yaga (50 Points + 5 Points for visit)
Download and install the software.

Rewards available to Canadians

You can get gift certificates that are redeemable in Canada for the below list of retailers:

Alaska Airlines
Eddie Bauer
Universal Tickets
Hilton Honors
Olive Garden
Red Lobster
Collectors Corner
Home Depot
Women's Consumer Network





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