Dec 28 |
3Com is offering $10 in Flooz for you to take one of their online courses (which are free). Go learn something and wait for your Flooz to come in the mail.
Get 50 Beenz for taking the quiz over at MTV. The answers are:
1. 1975
2. MTV Jungle flight
3. Britney Spears
4. Deodorant
6. Aug 1 1987
7. Both of them
8. Toby
9. Egyptian circus performer
10. Dance Floor Chart.
Dec 27 |
Wow. Got a whole bunch of Amazon gift certificates from Echo tonight. A bit late for Xmas but appreciated all the same. Go sign up and put in as many hours as you can before the end of the year since it's not certain whether the Amazon gift certificates will be available after that.
Hope everyone got some good deals in the offline world yesterday.
Hmm...that Playstation 2 bundle is still available over at Guess people are beginning to see through the hype.
I'm not sure if this is available to everyone but Amazon sent me an e-mail saying I could have $15 off items I purchase off my wishlist. Your purchase must be at least $150 and this expires December 31st. Go add items to your wish list and see if you get this offer!
Keep your underside sparkling clean (you know, for when you're mooning passing vehicles) with a mini-bidet (attaches to any a normal toilet!) for $20 less. Hurry! This expires January 31st 2001.
If you missed out on getting the Motorola FRS radios that had on sale you can head over to and get a pair of Cobra FRS radios for $99.99. These are great for families to use in crowded shopping malls.
Win the top ten albums and top five movies of the year as chosen by Jam! readers from Canoe and HMV. Just visit this page and send them an e-mail with your mailing address, e-mail and name.
Those guys at have an after holiday sale on many books, CDs, DVDs and all Calendars are 50% off!.
Dec 26 |
Get up and go shop!
Wanted a Playstation 2 for Xmas but didn't get it? Well, has some available online now. 100 or so in stock as of a minute of this posting. I've also heard that most stores in the smaller towns (aka London, Ontario) have them in stock.
Get a free t-shirt from RSA (the security guys).
Wow, these are disappearing left and right. The MyPoints GetACard link has expired and has been removed. Thanks go to Maggie for the heads up.
Get deals on books, music and videos. Chapters' Boxing Day sale is now online. Not to be outdone,'s is too.
Dec 25 |
Merry Christmas!
Over at they're having a "After Holiday Blowout" (Americans don't have Boxing Day). Deals on a wide variety of things. Use BorderFree when they re-open at noon tomorrow to get what you want.
The MyPoints Snowman bonus is gone from the MyPoints site so I've removed it from the links page.
Another Canadian e-tailer offering Boxing Day deals online: has their entire flyer on their site (just click to buy). However, there's not many real good deals there.
All the Boxing Day deals that FutureShop is advertising are available online as of 3AM EST. Go visit their site now and avoid the line-ups, crowds and bitter cold. You will be able to laugh at those poor souls lining up before the stores open on the 26th. Beware of the mail-in rebates though: from my experience it can take almost a year to get them.
I've removed the EverSave MyPoints link since it's expired. Thanks go to the "CleaningLady" for the tip.
Dec 23 |
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been caught up in the last-minute Xmas shopping rush and I've been depressed over the loss of the digital camera I had ordered.
Head over to to win a Philips Quadra Action Shaver, a ski package for you and a friend at Blue Mountain or a roundtrip for two from Toronto on CanJet.
Win one of 5 pairs of tickets to see the Leafs on January 12th 2001 from They're playing the Phoenix Coyotes (you need that to enter).
Sign up for the Rogers Video newsletter and when you purchase something from them between Dec 21st and Feb 2nd you'll have 5 chances to win that purchase. They also have a coupon to save $5 of $19.99 or more. Use code RV-4C2YKVP-GC. Watch for their Boxing Week bargains starting Dec. 26th. There's free ground shipping for orders $25 or more until Dec 31st.
Get a free spoon and/or fridge magnet from the Western Producer (exclusive to Canadians!).
Dec 20 |
Boxing Day sales have begun (hey, according to retailers every occasion begins early nowadays) at Chapters. First off they have a Countdown to Boxing day sale. Get the Matrix DVD for $19.99. Next, they have the Palm IIIxe for $299.99 after the $80 rebate AND you get a free Timex watch. This is a better deal than Futureshop.
Get free Dawn dishwashing detergent samples and coupons.
Dec 19 |
The report over on F' says that Beenz is closing all but its UK office. Don't know what this means for us yet but obviously, cash out while you can.
Dec 18 |
Chapter's home and garden store,, is already having a boxing day sale. Save 40% on Paderno cookware and more!
SF Gate has an interesting piece on manufacturer's rebates. Why are they used? Your suspicions will be confirmed.
Dec 17 |
Win Looney Tunes games!
I don't know how these two prizes go together but is giving away a Playstation 2 or autographed cookbooks by Emiril Lagasse. Also, why does it seem like every site has falling DHTML snowflakes!?! I hope it's just a fad like those singing latex marine animals.
Enter's contest for trips, cash or shopping sprees.
Win a trip to Cancun from Tripeze and
Get a free flashlight if you're an IT Professional at SyncSort.
Some new Beenz earning opportunities:
Get 100 Beenz for registering with
Win Beenz if you guess the correct number of jelly beans in the jar at
Dec 16 |
I still haven't received the e-mail but word is Echo is changing to a sweepstakes model in January. Make sure you get your points and then cash out before then!.
Consider this the proof that is gone: Their equipment is up for auction.
Dec 13 |
ThinkGeek is giving away a Playstation2.
Enter to win a 50" TV from Chivas Regal.
Well, one of the best sources of MyPoints is now gone. Zoomerang no longer offers MyPoints and will instead offer some other type of incentive in the future (hope it's Flooz!). I've removed the link from the MyPoints page and thanks go to Alison for forwarding me the info on that.
Dec 12 |'s offering a chance to win a Sony home entertainment centre.
Dec 11 |
Got my $25 HMV gift certificate from Get yours for reviewing music.
Get coupons mailed to you for household products from They don't have much of a selection right now though (on the other hand, there is a Tide detergent coupon).
Still having problems with @home and their web servers. Sorry.
Dec 10 |
Happy Puppy is giving away the ultimate gaming machine (PC or console, your choice).
Win free McDonald's french fries for a month!. Wait! Before you enter that contest, read this. =)
Dec 9 |
Wow, it's been a while since my last update. It's because I've been bedridden due to a viral infection (yeah, really yucky stuff). I'm not completely better yet so the postings will trickle in gradually.
For those of you who have had trouble getting to this site it should be better now that @home has upgraded their web servers...I hope.
I've added the Snowman bonus to the MyPoints page. This gives you 10 points daily. Thanks to Ellen for e-mailing me about this one. I've also removed the FlipDog link from that page since it's expired. Thanks to Malauer for notifying me.
Get a HotMat (photo mousepad). Just register and visit their sponsor.
Want a MP3 player (makes a great gift!)? Chapters has the RIO 500 on sale for $269.99 (40% off!) and there's a $75 CDN mail-in rebate. So total cost is $194.99. sells it for $344.99 before the rebate.
Enter for a trip to see Elton John live courtesy of GlobalTV. You can enter daily for more chances.
Get 100 Beenz from SmartPortfolio (just enter your e-mail address).
Nov 30 |
Get 100 Beenz for registering with WaySearch.
Nov 29 |
This is good! BorderFree is offering FREE shipping on any purchase over $35 from Amazon,, and! Go shopping!
They just keep expanding! Amazon has opened a new Wireless Phones store. While you can't buy cell phones through there unless you live in the States you can get accessories. There's no little text saying that accessories can only be shipped to the States (unfortunately, they're out of stock on what I want).
Nov 28 |
Are you a student? If so go register at and you may get $25 Amazon gift certificates for participating in focus groups.
This one may be yanked before the expiry date so hurry! Amazon has a $50 off $200 USD or more coupon. It can only be used in their Electronics store. Use it if you want to get a gift for somebody in the States (the Palm or Handspring devices would make nice gifts) or if you've got someone there that can relay you your purchase. To get the coupon visit the Coupons page.
Sign up for WorldStream's webcast streaming test and get a $20 Amazon gift certificate for participating.
Nov 27 |
Hope not many of you have outstanding balances owed to you by PointClick. If you do then you've probably noticed their website (and their affiliated website NetPartner) have not been accessible for the past week. Most likely they're bankrupt. If you want to try and contact them check this post out on Epinions that lists some contact info at the bottom (including their lawyer).
Nov 25 |
Want to get accessories for your cell phone? Head over to CellWest (they've got an office in Vancouver) and use code CS001 to save 20% on aftermarket products. Expires November 29th.
Removed the SmarterKids and PlanetFeedback MyPoints links since they've expired.
Want to find the cheapest gas prices in your area? Check out
Nov 23 |
Canoe has a contest in conjunction with Canadian Tire for $26,000 of Canadian Tire money, a $1,000 daily prize and 3 Playstation 2's.
Would you settle for a Nintendo N64? Canoe also has a contest for an Atomic N64 console + games. The answers to the quiz are (just to make your life easier):
1. mouse
2. no crib for His bed
3. Jim Carrey
4. The Night Before Christmas
There's a few deals of the day over at (US) in celebration of the American Thanksgiving. The best deal seems to be the Kodak DVC325 webcam for $49.99 USD. Use BorderFree to get it shipped here for less than $100. In comparison sells the same thing for $149.99 CDN.
Whoa. An abundance of MyPoints over at A big thanks goes to Alison for telling me about this one. Here's how to get the points (125 in total):
Click here to go over to
Register and get 50 MyPoints
Complete part two of the registration (an survey) and get 25 MyPoints
Go "Recommend a spa" and get 25 MyPoints (it says you can get his every harm in trying!)
Finally, go recommend to a friend and get 25 MyPoints (this is weekly).
Nov 22 |
Save $10 off your next purchase of $30 or more at Free gift wrapping on purchases $25 or more. They're also giving away free Motorola V2397 cellular phones if you buy $100 or more (plus you have to sign up with Rogers AT&T). I personally think that's one ugly phone. has a contest to spend an evening with Yo-Yo Ma. I'd be famous too if I had a name like that (okay... probably not).
More cheap DVDs! has American Beauty on sale for $14.99.
Got an e-mail from AllAdvantage regarding their current predicaments. Seems that at the current advertising rates they can only give $3 per year to each member so they're going to make some changes to their business model. The changes will be announced soon apparently. I think it's rather interesting to see a sputter and writh before it's impending doom.
After a few days hiatus FreeRide is back up. The Magic Bus is gone though and points are now very hard to come by.
HMV is having some contest involving Limp Bizkit. Anyhow, you get to win a Sega Dreamcast and other Sega stuff so go enter.
Get 25 Beenz from Excite.UK. Go there and login (register if you haven't). Click on "Add Shares - Get Beenz!" on the left. Click on "Add a share" on the next page. Now choose a stock (use their example BAY.L) and then "Add this stock to your portfolio." You should see a Beenz applet on the next page. This should be a daily thing so go back tomorrow and repeat. Enjoy!
Over at they have the Panasonic KXTG2570S 2.4Ghz cordless phone with answering machine for $152.99 USD. Use BorderFree and you should be able to get it shipped for less than $250 CDN. carries the version without the answering machine for $299 CDN!
Added a new weekly MyPoints link (FlipSide) to the MyPoints page. Don't forget to occassionally go over to MyPoints' Earn Points section to find all the new one-time 10 pointers for visiting sites.
Nov 21 |
Want to get a Palm device? Amazon has the Handspring Visor (Graphite) for sale at $149 USD (regular price $179 USD). If you can get it relayed to you from the States then use the $15 off coupon. If not, use BorderFree and get it shipped here (can't use coupon though).
Seems like FreeRide, Beenz and bunch of other programs are being sued by NetCentives over loyalty/points program patents. Check out the news article here.
Nov 20 |
A few good things in the mail today (and a few bad things such as credit card bills): Got my free Mag-Lite from Equalfooting (from my Nov 2 posting; offer is over now) and a gift card for Tower Records from Firstlook (before they cancelled their rewards program).
I don't know whether to trust them ever since they didn't send me my Amazon $50 gift certificate but... Garageband is giving out $25 CDN HMV vouchers for reviewing music on their site. You can earn one stamp for each music review you make and up to 5 stamps per day. After you 20 stamps you can redeem it for the voucher. Stamps expire at the end of the month and you have to start over. Also, this expires end of this year so hurry!
Cisco is giving out free retractable modem cords. Just fill out their survey (expires December 15th).
Nov 19 |
Sylvan Learning Centres is giving out student journals and $25 coupons.
Let's try some good behaviour and avoid the potential for religious debate: Head over to Jerry Falwell Ministries to get your free Pro-Life stickers, Jesus First Pins and Ten Commandments book covers.
Nov 18 |
Over on they're reporting that AllAdvantage has cut 150 people from their workforce, leaving 230 to concentrate on the B2B market.
It's been a while since I've come across a decent (read: free) MyPoints offer. Get 110 MyPoints for registering at FlipDog, the job search site. and the Canadian Tourism Commission is giving away five Canadian vacations (I wanna go skiing!).
Get a free t-shirt from 3Com.
Nov 17 |
Get paid to complete surveys at You get paid $3 USD per survey completed and if you refer people you get $2 USD per survey they complete (as well as $1 USD for their referrals).
Wow, must be in pretty bad shape if they're cutting staff just before the expected rush to online shopping during the holiday season. Check out the article at the Globe & Mail site.
Nov 16 |
With all these specials it seems that DVDs are cheaper than VHS tapes nowadays. The latest deal is from for The Patriot Special Edition at $16.99. Need a DVD player? Head over to Mercata and their $100 store credit and Microsoft Passport's discounts to get one for cheap. The Toshiba entry-level model is going for about $120 USD after those mentioned discounts (and Mercata ships to Canada).
Win a DVD Home Theatre System from 20th Century Fox's Titan A.E. promotion. Also, get a chance at one of those Barbie or Hot Wheels computers just for entering your e-mail address.
Win the top of the line video card from Hercules: the 3D Prophet II GTS 64Mb Ultra (whoa, what a name) and a copy of the game Zeus: Master of Olympus.
Woohoo! something exclusively for Canadians: Get a free Schick Xtreme III triple blade razor.
Nov 15 |
Get 50 Beenz for completing the MTV Europe site quiz (click on the Earn Beenz link at the left) correctly. The answers are:
1. 1975
2. MTV Jungle Fight
3. Britney Spears
4. Deodorant
6. 1st August 1987
7. Both of them
8. Toby
9. Egyptian circus performer
10. Dance floor chart has a contest for a trip to Rome as part of their Gladiator DVD promotion.
Need stocking stuffers? Chapters has a bunch of deals on recent hit movies on DVD and VHS (including X-Men, The Perfect Storm and M:I2) as part of the Grinch VISA deal (that's mass marketing...all for a simple movie).
A few nice surprises in the mail today. I got a metallic travel mug from PGP Software, a computer headset from Poptel, a $15 BestBuy gift card from Firstlook (gotta run down to the States to use that one) and a $25 Roots gift certificate from MyPoints (I'm well on my way to having a Roots-only wardrobe).
MSN Passport is offering 20% discounts at select merchants. Some good deals can be had at Mercata when you combine this with their $100 store credit. If you've used your store credit already or it has expired you can call them up, ask them to remove your account and sign up again.
Nov 14 |
Okee, now that I've maxed my Echo hours and FreeRide is beginning to take a turn for the worse I've moved on to Beenz. Beenz = Flooz so I can get free stuff from , or Ashford (okay, maybe they're too pricey).
Get 120 Beenz total from From the home page (direct links don't seem to work):
click on INSITE on the left of the page and then "PVR - a cure for VCR stress" on the next page (right hand side); Beenz applet on right hand side of next page
click on TECH CLINIC on the left of the home page; Beenz applet on right hand side of next page
click on TOOLS on the left of the home page then, under Free Messaging, click vnunetmail; Beenz applet on right hand side of next page
Whoa...easy Beenz! Go over to Madame Alexander (they make dolls) and register. After registering click on the Beenz applet to get Beenz. After that click on the Beenz applet again to get more Beenz. Repeat until no more Beenz pop up. Easy eh?
Get 25 Beenz for taking this personality test (you don't have to pass).
Nov 13 |
Sorry about the lack of updates but it's been pretty slow.
Those of you with broadband (DSL or cable modem) shouldn't pass this one up: DataSynapse uses your computer when it's idle (like the Seti@home program) and they pay you in Flooz for it! There's a $5 Flooz bonus for the first 10,000 qualified registrants plus sweepstakes during their trial period (until Mar 31st 2001) so sign up now. Leave your computer alone and you get free stuff! This could be easier than Echo!
Enter to win a dinner party for five of your friends (prepared by chef Didier Leroy) and T-FAL cookware from Toronto Life magazine. I'm afraid that if I win that he won't find enough room in my kitchen...then there's the issue of five friends. There's also a contest for tickets to Toronto's One-Of-A-Kind craft show.
Toys'R'Us, the bricks and mortal Canadian operations has Where the Wild Things Are figurines for sale (until Nov 24) at $9.97 each (there's six altogether). What are these things? Amazon sells them too, have a look. Remember now? (By the way, despite what they claim they're about as posable as me after a day of physical labour).
Nov 11 |
Here's a great deal: has Toy Story/Toy Story 2 (2 pack) DVDs for sale at $19.99. That's 50% off!
Get 10 Beenz daily from Just scroll down and select your zodiac sign to go to the page with Beenz.
Nov 10 |
Just received a few Amazon gift certificates from Echo. It takes them a while to send them out but they're the easiest way to get stuff for free from Amazon. I've gotten myself a Palm Vx and a Canon digital camera mostly through FreeRide and Echo.
Wondering what's the cause of all the confusion over the presidency in the States? Click here to find out.
The Xdrive one-time link for MyPoints has expired and been removed from the list. Thanks go to Linda for telling me. and HMV are giving away a chance to see Jann Arden live in concert including accomodations and a complimentary dinner.
Get a free new release rental at Rogers Video (valid until Nov 20).
Two contests at Win U2's latest album (their official magazine is called Propaganda) or win $500 cash by playing their Shopping Wheel of Fortune game.
Got a VISA card? Use it online and save 15% off at Roots, 10% at, and 20% off at
Added a $50 off $300 CDN code to the Coupons page.
This would make a nice Xmas gift for kids: Win a copy of Disney's Magic Artist 3D software (all they ask for is an e-mail address!).
Win a Playstation prize pack courtesy of Happy Puppy and the publishers of the game Driver 2 (the original Driver was an awesome game). Happy Puppy also has a bunch of other contests to win a Gateway computer, a colour GameBoy, and a Pokemon First Edition booster pack (Jigglypuff is the pink Pokemon).
Nov 9 |
Removed Firstlook, PointClick, Jackpot and Garageband from the Misc. page since Firstlook doesn't have their rewards program anymore (I forgot to remove them back then, thanks to Simina for reminding me) and PointClick is a sweepstakes program now like Jackpot (I don't think these are worth my time). Garageband? Well, they never gave me my Amazon gift certificate so I just don't trust them.
The Beenz site now has a search engine that gives you 3 Beenz per search and a maximum of three searches per day.
Nov 8 |
Those long hours surfing the web for free stuff taking a toll on your tush? Head over to Herman Miller and get one of their much acclaimed Aeron chairs. They are willing the match the lowest price you find on the web for the same chair so why not get it direct from the manufacturer? We've got them at work and the only downside is that it doesn't absorb the smell when you've gotta fart (sorry, that was rude). Don't have the cash to get one? Head over to FreeRide and earn WebCertificates to pay for it. It might take you a while but think of the wonders it'll do for your behind.
Cisco is giving away free retractable modem cords and alarm clocks for registering. Sign up for both and eagerly wait by your mailbox.
Get a free 3M precision surface mousepad from the Volition division. Click on the "Win a Handspring Visor" link (the contest ended during the summer) and fill out the form. I filled it out last week I think and got my mousepad today so it should still work.
Amazon lowered their $15 off electronics coupon from a $100 minimum to $50. Take advantage of this deal if you've got somebody in the States who can relay you the goods. Get the code on the Coupons page.
Well, it didn't take long for them to change their minds on this: the daily FlipSide MyPoints are now yearly instead of daily. I've removed the link from the MyPoints Links page. Thanks goes to Simina for pointing this out to me.
Go register with eBay and get a free bear. Cute.
Nov 7 |
Mercata has a contest to win a Compaq home office package.
Woohoo! a new DAILY 10 MyPoints link. This one's from and is available on the MyPoints site under Earn Points/Try It Out or on the MyPoints Links page (of course). A big thanks goes to Wynne for alerting me to that.
Enter's contest to win a Volvo S60, RIM Blackberry pagers and more.
Get 75 Beenz for entering the competition (currently promoting Charlie's Angels) on MTV UK (works worldwide). You can get 25 more Beenz by clicking on the Movie Special. Also, don't forget to go to and clicking on What's New and Earn/Sports to get 10 and 15 Beenz daily.
Nov 6 |
Something for you cultured folks: The Globe & Mail has a contest to promote the Toronto International Art Fair.
Rogers Video (that place staffed by high school students who don't know any movies beyond the latest blockbusters) is giving away one Playstation2 to a lucky subscriber or their newsletter.
Win free double passes to the new Adam Sandler movie Little Nicky over at They've also get a contest to see Colin James at the Docks. You have to be in Toronto to attend either venue.
Canoe and are giving away a $500 shopping spree for your home or garden. Don't forget to check the coupons page for a $15 off coupon for
The site has been up and down for the past few days thanks to problems on the @home network. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Nov 3 |
I've added a Coupons page to the site. Use the coupons to save! Of course if you find any coupons there that don't work or you have new coupons to share please e-mail me.
Nov 2 |
Win one of 5 trips to see a concert of your choice in North America from
Save $20 off your next purchase of $100 or more at IKEA Canada (offline of course). This expires November 13th 2000.
Nifty, CyberRebate has a Personal Refridgerator for $29.99 USD after rebate. They do ship to Canada but rebates may take about two months to arrive for us Canadians. There's online rebate tracking though.
These are useful if you have kids: Amazon has Unwired Technology 2-Way Radios for 64% off so it's $35.88 USD for a two pack. Use BorderFree to get them across the border, it's still cheaper than getting FRS radios in Canada.
Get a free MagLite for registering at EqualFooting.
Nov 1 |
Halloween is over and the ghost is gone from the MyPoints page. No more extra 10 points daily. I've removed it from the MyPoints Links page.
Get 10 Beenz daily under What's New (scroll down to the bottom of the page) on the Beenz site and another 15 Beenz under Earn/News & Media. While you're on that page scroll down to and click on USNews & World Report. On that site click on the Beenz logo on the left to get another 25 Beenz.
Get a free $5 Amazon gift certificate for completing this survey (a very short survey). Limited to the first 500 people so hurry!
It's a new month so start listening to Echo and surfing with Spedia and AllAdvantage!
Get free voice recognition software CD and headset from MyIVAN.
Get a free Linux poster from It'll go great with that pocket protector (see Oct 29th postings).
Oct 31 |
Get free voice recognition software CD and headset from MyIVAN.
Get a free Linux poster from It'll go great with that pocket protector (see Oct 29th postings).
A new way to get FreeRide points: Log in and then go to the Get It menu. You'll see a link on that page to the new "Express Lane." Go there and get more points! FreeRide is pretty quick to send out Amazon gift certificates. I ordered one last night and it was in my in-box this morning.
Get 300 Beenz for completing a survey on IT and Telecommunications.
Oct 30 |
Did you know you can get Flooz from Beenz? Just go to Spend Beenz and choose Flooz! 2000 Beenz = $10 Flooz.
Awesome. Amazon has the digital camera I'm planning to get with my gift certificates for $100 less now. It's the Canon Elph S100. Want one too? Earn gift certificates through Echo, FreeRide, or SuzyKats.
In the market for a cheap PDA? Palm themselves has the now-discontinued IIIe model for sale at $129 USD. It has a larger screen than its replacement, the m100. Want an even cheaper PDA? Amazon has the daVinci for $59.88 USD (60% off).
Think you're smart? Well, share your wealth of knowledge at InfoMarkets and get paid.
Desperate for a Playstation 2? PointClick is giving one away to whoever gets the most points by November 10th. Click away.
Oct 29 |
Oooh...I've always wanted one but the local department stores never carried it: Get a free Pocket Protector from (it even says "Yes, I am a geek"...nifty)
Get free Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Oleifici Di Noto (and all the way from Italy!).
Oct 28 |
Got a complaint? File it with
CyberRebate has a Perry Ellis PDA case FREE after rebate and Cobra Microtalk FRS radios (2 pack) for $29.99 USD after rebate.
Shop early for Christmas: Amazon has an up-to-75%-off sale on toys. They've got toys for adults too (no! not that kind) including Pocket Foozball and Night Vision Monoculars. Use BorderFree to have them shipped up to Canada or if you're sending to someone in the States use coupon code 1154728 to save $10 off $75 or more.
It's almost the end of the month so make sure you've listened to your maximum 100 hours of music on Echo. Use the Amazon gift certificates you can earn from them to prepare for the holiday season. Also don't forget to surf as much as you can with Spedia to earn cash (because you can't live on Amazon gift certificates alone).
Oct 27 |
Get 200 Beenz for registering with (just scroll down to the bottom of the page). Get another 50 Beenz at Just register and they'll give you 50 Arena$. Go to account and convert your Arena$ to Beenz.
Just noticed ! has some contests happening too. Enter to win a trip for two to New York or a room makeover by Debbie Travis (who? I think she hosts some show called the Painted House). They also have the !ndigo circle membership at half price.
Win a Gear Grip Pro computer carrying device from the guys at Avault.
Oct 26 |
Win the ultimate snowboard package from those shaver guys at Norelco or gaming shopping spree from the company behind the Orphen game for Playstation.
Win a Nikon camera, a Pay It Forward prize pack, and a $25 gift certificate, all courtesy of By the way, they now sell Lego. Cool. Use the coupons (see below) to save!
Get two (2!) bars of Fight Club soap with the purchase of the VHS from The liposuction industry must have been busy. See the movie if you don't understand.
Enter to win a Nissan Xterra SUV. Everyone wants to win it so expect a slow site due to traffic.
Get $10 off $30 USD or more on DVDs at (Barnes & Noble) with coupon code ZZ33YNQ. Great place to spend your Flooz.
Get $10 off $25 or more from Just register here.
Another one for you bookworms: Enter the online research contest at Electric Library Canada and get $10 off your next purchase. You can also get a $10 coupon with free shipping if you sign up with
Removed the OurHouse links from the MyPoints Links page since they've gone poof! and disappeared.
Get $5 of free Flooz for signing up with Bevocal. Use an US zip code.
Oct 25 |
Amazon is celebrating two years of selling DVDs by having a few select titles at 40% off, including Disney's Mulan, and the Bond thriller Tomorrow Never Dies.
Win a Sony digital camera or Palm PDA from (can't they figure out what to call themselves?)
Itching to get a Playstation 2? Try at midnight EDT or Amazon at noon PDT.
Play pinball and win a Handspring Palm-powered PDA from CanadaComputes. They're giving two out each week until December 18th. You don't have to have a high score to win; it's drawn randomly.
Oct 24 |
Win free gas for two years from MSN
Get 110 MyPoints from Just register with them and you should see a link. However, there's no blue screen and it takes you to a "sign up with MyPoints" page so no guarantees that this one works.
Get a free pencil (yellow, with red Chinese characters) from the Architecture of Clinton Gillespie. Be sure to read the terms and conditions first.
Oct 23 |
Save $15 off $100 or more in Amazon's electronics store. Use code AMZN-ELEC-BUZZ (expiry date is unknown). Unfortunately they won't ship electronics to Canada.
Get a free t-shirt from Best Clothing. They're giving 500 away each month until the new year.
Another wave of Amazon gift certificates have been sent out by Echo. If you've been waiting for one from them check your in-box to see if it's there. Not signed up with Echo yet? Don't miss out; all you have to do is listen to music and they'll give you points for use towards Amazon gift certificates, Internet Cash or WebMiles. I actually like listening to Echo more than my collection of MP3s.
The inevitable has happened and now FreeRide has had to cut back on their relatively generous rewards scheme due to dwindling net advertising dollars. Until further notice the Destination Points will not be available and their Magic Bus rewards will be limited to 30 minutes per day (down from 100 minutes) and to 20 hitchhikers (down from 50). That's about 100 points less per day available for earning.
Win a Palm M100 and an ebook from PeanutPress.
Hmm...the connection to FreeRide has been flaky at best lately. Hopefully they fix their problems soon.
Oct 21 |
Get 50 Beenz for registering with ChannelWine and another 25 Beenz for signing up for their mailing list.
My current favourite, FreeRide, is back up and running.
Enter's Mission: Impossible 2 contest to win a scooter and apparel from Paramount.
Odd, but a good deal: Amazon is selling a backpack that can carry your notebook computer and other essentials for $9.95 USD (regular price $69.99 USD). The weird thing is this bag is made by Amazon! Or at least branded an product. They're willing to ship this to Canada too. Send me an e-mail and I'll send you a $5 promotional gift certificate for Amazon to make it even cheaper!
Join NetFlip and earn up to 50 cents per day for doing searches. Remember to click on only the 5 cent sites to maximize your earnings. Thanks go to Missy for recommending NetFlip.
Removed the links from the MyPoints Links page since they no longer exist (the links, not Headhunter).
I've added and Milesource to the Points programs page. Currently is giving away $50 in Flooz each day. Enter by clicking on their reward sites.
Removed the APC link from the MyPoints Links page since you no longer get MyPoints for it. Thanks go, User815 for pointing that out.
Oct 20 |
I've removed the MyWay links from the MyPoints Links page. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if they'll ever appear again.
Just as reports of FreeRide's financial troubles arise (see below) their site goes down. Not sure if it's related but disappointing nevertheless.
Hey, that's cool! Get 10 MyPoints each day by clicking on the floating ghost on the MyPoints home page (you must be signed in).
Get 100 MyPoints from Just sign up with e-mail and password and the link should be on the next page.
This is definitely not good: F'ed Company reports that FreeRide laid off 52 of 122 employees. Darn, they're my favourite for getting Amazon gift certificates or Webcertificates at this point. Oh out your points while you can.
Oct 19 |
Over at Canoe's Game Loft you can play online games to win video games from Ubi-Soft.
Enter Vivacare's "Bermuda-ful Nights" contest.
Make a FREE contribution to the Arthritis Society of Canada. Just click on the sponsor's links and $1 will be donated by that sponsor.
Want to get $10 off your next purchase off Go here and use 519259 as the first six digits. Don't forget to enter their contest for an ounce of gold.
Got a lot of time to kill? Play Clearnet's online pinball game to win Clearnet-branded merchandise.
Head over to to enter their "Cruise into Fall" contest to win a Caribbean cruise, diamond jewellery, an one night stay at Niagara Falls, a duvet package or Sunoco gas.
Toronto Life magazine is holding a contest for tickets to the Canadian premiere of the musical "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" at the New Yorker Theatre.
This is funny. On CHUM-FM (a Toronto radio station) this morning they reported that Rogers@home customers can e-mail Rogers to request a credit for their ongoing systems problems. What kind of systems problems are we talking about? E-mail doesn't work.
I guess I didn't notice this when I first signed up: pays you one penny (CDN) for each search you do from their site (it uses Google so it's pretty quick). Thanks go to Rav for pointing that out. also gives you rebates when you purchase through one of their affiliated sites and, best of all, they're Canadian! If I remember correctly from what I've read they were started up by a couple of students at the University of Western Ontario (my alma mater). You get a cheque once you have accumulated $40 CDN.
Oct 18 |
Good news for bargain hunters: According to the Globe & Mail plans to expand to Canada. In the beginning it'll mean that you can pay in Canadian dollars and pay less shipping but they also plan on expanding their product line that's available to Canadians (ie. Electronics)
Win a Celine Dion Library Boxed Set from Sympatico.
Oct 17 |
PointClick is sending out e-mails saying that August & September reimbursement requests have been delayed while they wait for funding. Apparently they've been promised another round of funding so they're hopeful that cheques will be mailed out as soon as that closes. I must say they're much more honest about their financial situation than other dot.coms.
Get paid to answer surveys: sign up with IdeaWorm.
Oct 16 |
Well, the "exciting news" that PowerDime has is that your PowerDime points will be converted (at 10%) into AwardMiles. I'm not too familiar with but so far I've noticed that they offer SuperCertificates that can go towards purchases at such stores as eHobbies, eBags, Tavalo, and The Sharper Image. The minimum redemption value for a $25 SuperCertificate is 3500 AwardMiles (or 35000 PowerDime points). Log-in to PowerDime for more details.
Get 50 FreeRide Points for filling out a survey over at Click on the Resume Posting button (right side of page) and then keep reloading the next page until the survey pops up. FreeRide is my favourite program to get Amazon gift certificates or Webcertificates now.
Over on F'ed Company they're reporting that MyPoints laid off 120 employees after reporting a loss last week. That's a third of their workforce. There's also another blurb on Firstlook and how they've laid off 35 of its 100 employees. What's the lesson in all of this? Don't save out your rewards as soon as possible.
If you try logging into PowerDime now it says check back Oct 16th for "exciting news." Wonder what's going on?
Oct 15 |
I've removed the Sinclair Distance Learning link from the MyPoints Links page. Thanks go to Alison for alerting me that it has expired.
Get two free romance novels from eHarlequin just for registering.
Oct 13 |
Another one down the drain: Firstlook is discontinuing their rewards program. You won't be able to earn rewards anymore but you can redeem your balance for rewards until October 20th (at 2:00pm PST). Too bad...they were a good source for Flooz.
Finally. The MyPoints links are working once again. Find them on the MyPoints Links page.
Oct 12 |
It appears that the Omaha Steaks MyPoints link has returned to being a monthly thing. I've updated the MyPoints Links page to reflect that. Thanks go to Michelle for pointing that out.
Microsoft is holding another sweepstakes promoting their new operating system: Windows Me. There's daily instant-win prizes and three grand prizes for trips to Hollywood and various electronics.
Sign up with SmartReminders and get 200 Beenz! It's an interesting service. You can get alerts on almost everything (including whenever Alan Greenspan speaks...spooky). has a bunch of contests so click to enter for an Olympus digital camera, a Nintendo 64, or a Red Alert 2 Game Pack (including computer hardware).
Another one? Wow! I got another Amazon gift certificate from Echo today. Hope this keeps up since they still owe me about 10 more.
Want to carry your entire music collection with you? Get the Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox MP3 player from Amazon. This discman-sized contraption holds 6Gb of MP3s (good for 100 hours of music) and is now going for 44% off. If you don't have anyone in the States that can relay it to you (Amazon doesn't ship electronics to Canada) you can try using (Chapters' home & garden store) has a contest for a Garden Makeover. Just e-mail them and explain why you need such a thing (in pictures or in words). They'll choose the most needy garden and award that person with a $1000 voucher to be spent on their garden products store. Too bad the only garden I have is what's growing at the back of my fridge.
Win one of 25 pairs of Clark's Desert™ Boots from TorontoLife magazine. If you think those things are ugly you can try their other contest for one of two framed, limited edition serigraphs of a John Lennon song in Lennon's own handwriting. I'm going to assume a serigraph is a fancy photocopy.
Get a free sample of Loreal's HydraFresh gel cream (you know, that stuff that Virginie Ledoyen's hawking on TV).
Oct 11 |
Sign up for Kanetix' contest for 200,000 ClickMiles to fly around the world.
Wow. I received an Amazon gift certificate from Echo tonight. It's been a while since I've gotten one of those. Could it mean that there's still a chance for me to get a digital camera off Amazon? Based on this good omen I'd say keep listening to Echo (it's not that hard to do).
PointClick has sent out e-mails to "seasoned" members detailing how their changeover to a sweepstakes-based business model affects existing accounts. You can read about it here. From what I've read it seems they're being relatively fair so if you have any PointClick balance outstanding you should try and redeem it.
Sunoco's contest for a 1970 Porsche 911 Targa with free gas for a year ends tomorrow. Enter before it closes.
Oct 10 |
Win an 18" LCD monitor from Enfused. Just sign up for their free web-based e-mail.
Oct 9 |
It's hard to believe but it's true: is giving away $1 billion in their sweepstakes lottery. Just choose the same 7 numbers between 1 and 77 that will pick at random on Dec. 28th and the billion is yours. The whole thing is underwritten by Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett's company) so if you beat the approx. 1 in 2.5 billion odds the billion dollars is pretty much guaranteed yours (payable over 40 years). Okay, enough info...go enter.
Head over to ITWebstore to register for a chance to win a Palm PDA. Only for Canadians...there aren't enough things out there "only for Canadians."
Hmm... If you log-in to PowerDime now it says they have "been forced to suspend site operations due to market conditions." I guess there won't be any more postings of the trivia answers.
A few more updates to the MyPoints Links page. The yearly (one-time) links for eStyle, University Alliance and Productopia have been removed because the offers have expired (or in Productopia's case, the company has expired). Thanks go to Tommie for pointing those out.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What does the term consummate mean? To finish or perfect
Which of the following Presidents was an only child? None of the Above
Whose real name is Annie Mae Bullock? Tina Turner.
Oct 8 |
Cleaned up the MyPoints Links page a bit. One of the monthly links was removed and the TalkCity Talk Politics link has been moved to the weekly section. Two of the one-time (yearly) links expired and have been removed. Thanks go to Leo for pointing out all of the above.
As for the MyWay MyPoints links I haven't seen them for almost a week. The daily link also hasn't been working. I'm not sure if any of these will come back but it's not the first time these links have disappeared.
Save $15 off your first order from These guys deliver groceries to your door in the greater Toronto-area. There's a minimum $45 order (plus $6 for delivery, no matter how big the order) and your $15 discount expires 48 hours after registration. I placed my first order a few days ago and was very satisfied with the service.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Which of the following golfers did NOT win all four major championships (Masters, British & US Open, PGA) in one career? Tiger Woods
What was the name of the first armed schooner in George Washington's navy? Hannah
What does the term effete mean? Having lost character or strength.
Oct 7 |
I appreciate the cards I've received so far (see below) but some of you have forgotten to indicate your own e-mail address in the message of the card so I can't send a card back to you. Unfortunately doesn't give you the e-mail address of the sender unless it's written in the body or title of the card message.
Want to win some Flooz? gives you and a friend a chance to win Flooz each time you send an electronic greeting card. Try it out, send one to me at and I'll send one back to you (so that would be two chances to win). Don't forget to type your e-mail address in the card message so I know who to send a card back to.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What was the world's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier? USS Enterprise
What does the term homologate mean? Official approval or confirmation
When were the Silver Certificate notes created by Act of Congress as a currency? 1878.
Oct 6 |
Head over to to enter their contest for a Playstation 2 and 20 games. This is the most anticipated gaming console ever - or so the hype says.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Which movie was Clint Eastwood's directorial debut? Play Misty for Me
The Perseid Meteor Shower is the product of what comet? Swift-Tuttle
What does the term abrogate mean? Nullify.
Oct 5 |
Don't forget to get your $15 gift certificate from If you want to try out what X10 does click on their "First Time Guests" link to get their starter kit for free (you pay shipping).
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What is the best selling movie soundtrack of all time? Titanic
What does the term beatify mean? To make very happy
Who said, “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both”? Niccolo Machiavelli.
Oct 4 |
Got my $10 Famous Players gift certificate that I ordered off Youtopia.
The ultimate shopping site for computer professionals (aka, geeks), has a promotion on the following items:
Your choice of VI or Emacs shirts for only $9.95, a $5 savings
$30 off JVC Mini Desktop System (Model FSS-D7)
$7 off DOH! series of Shot Glasses
$10 off Atomic Time Jumbo Desk Alarm Clock
$5 off PC Tote (XL and Standard)
Tux Kernel Poster for only $8.95, an $8 savings
Just use code "IAMNOTANUMBER" during the checkout process. All prices are in USD but they do ship to Canada.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What does the term ogress mean? A female ogre
What was Bangladesh formally known as? East Pakistan
What year did Captain Kangaroo premiere on CBS? 1955.
Oct 3 |
Get a $10 off $25 or more purchase from
Added the and Andy's Garage weekly MyPoints links to the MyPoints Links page. Altogether you should get 50 MyPoints per week from those.
Get paid to use WaveVu's screensaver. More details to follow.
Well, seems like SweepSurf (what used to be the paid-to-surf program mValue) is gone. If you go to their site and click on the logo you get a picture of a programmer looking for a job. That's not a good sign. No loss for Canadians since they never expanded beyond having American members.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Which of the following is not a romance language? Latin
Which of these food people is not a real person? Betty Crocker
What platy is a type of what? Fish.
Oct 2 |
Register at to win a golf vacation or Compaq notebook computer. Why not make a donation while you're there? They have a wide variety listed.
Enter's contest for an ounce of gold worth over $400.
Got another Cisco t-shirt today. Seems the previous one they sent me was for the wrong promotion so they sent me the proper one.
Get a free headset (for your computer I assume) for signing up with
October is Music Month over at Go check out what they have on sale. There's also free shipping for orders over $30 at the store (until October 9th).
The MyWay MyPoints are still on their beta site for this week. Go here and click on the Auto, Business and Directions links.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What does the term dispositive mean? Disposing
How many copies of an album must be sold for the album to be certified Diamond? 10 million
Who provided the voice for Cosmo G. Spacely on "The Jetsons"? Mel Blanc.
Oct 1 |
A whole bunch of disappointments with MyPoints lately. The PrizeCentral daily link and the BizRate weekly links have expired so I've removed them from the MyPoints Links page. Also, the HeadHunter daily link isn't working (seems to be a problem at HeadHunter). As for MyPoints new mobile service, I still haven't been able to get it working on my Palm. MyPoints doesn't provide much info about how it's supposed to work either.
On the other hand, MyPoints is still sending out a lot more BonusMails (hint: click on all the interests in my MyPoints profile to get more mail). You can also get 1000 MyPoints for making a purchase from .
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Which wedding anniversary are Bill and Hillary Clinton celebrating this year? 25th
How many gold medals did Russia earn at the 1996 Olympics? 26
What does the term gloze mean? To flatter
Sep 30 |
End of the month. Get in as many surfing hours as you can!
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What car did Ralph Nader proclaim to be "unsafe at any speed"? Chevrolet Corvair
What does the term glutinous mean? Sticky
What year did women's soccer make its Olympic debut? 1996.
Sep 29 |
Get a $15 gift certificate from These guys sell the X10 home automation units. I ordered a starter kit from them earlier this year so now I can control the lights from my computer or with the remote they sent me. It's really quite useful for lazy people like me. You can also use it to control appliances.
Got home today to find in the mail an ebates t-shirt. It's pretty ugly though.
MyPoints now allows you to earn points with a mobile device or WAP phone. I installed it on my Palm but it doesn't seem to run. Will have to play around with that. And don't forget to go to the MyWay beta site to pick up today's MyPoints.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Which company advertises that 15,000 bottles of their beer sank with the Titanic? Bass
Which gymnast won 4 gold medals at the 1952 Olympics? Viktor Chukarin
What does the term exonerate mean? To free of blame.
Sep 28 |
Another one to go down that road: PointClick is changing to a sweepstakes program starting in October. Instead of earning PointClick dollars for visiting sites you'll get entries into the new sweepstakes. Any amount you have in your account must be spent by the end of the year. Their 5% discount also disappears tomorrow.
The MyWay MyPoints are available here and here today. Get another 115 MyPoints from HealthMarket by signing up here (you can opt out of the e-mail newsletter).
Wow. Woke up this morning to find Echo had converted to their new rules (expected) but they also tripled everyone's account balance (unexpected). So you may be closer to that reward than you think. They're also awarding bonus CDs to people who refer more than 20 people per month. Despite the new rules, Echo is still the easiest program out there: all you have to do is listen to music! So if you haven't joined yet click here.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day (no guarantees these are right but they're the ones I used so you just have to trust me):
What does the term apodeictic mean? Self-evident
Who is the youngest player to have ever played in a Major League Baseball game? Joe Nuxhall
Which of these sporting events did not take place at the 1928 Olympics? Shooting
Archived some old news. I do this whenever I feel that this page is getting too long. You can visit the archived news postings here.
Get some extra MyPoints from There's 10 MyPoints in the Vacuum Shop, 10 more under Home Decor/Only Glass and a final 10 under Kitchen/Appliances.
How about 200 MyPoints? Get them from Nextel by signing up to have rep call you. Since they don't service any Canadian cities you can give them a Canadian number and not worry about a call.
Amazon has two new coupons. The first is for $15 off $100 or more in their Electronics store: AMZN-ELEC-BEEP (expires Oct. 8) and the second is for $10 off $30 or more in their Toys store: AMAZSPECTENN (expires Oct. 20). Both stores only ship to the States so you need someone there to relay your order to you.
Sep 27 |
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What year was rowing introduced as an Olympic sport? 1900
The quetzal is a bird featured on the flag of what country? Guatemala
What does the term erstwhile mean? In the past
Wondering where the MyWay MyPoints are? They're over on the beta site. They're supposed to make the beta site live soon but in the mean time you can go here and click on the categories for today (Health, Home & Family and Politics)
Get some sample papers for your ink-jet printer from Hewlett-Packard.
Amazon has a bunch of the latest DVDs going for up to 40% off including titles such as Gladiator, Mission Impossible 2 and The Perfect Storm.
Sep 26 |
Head over to WiredKingdom, post a free classified ad and be entered for a chance to win a $300 Roots Outfitting Package and a $500 Roots shopping spree delivered to your door by a member of the Canadiam Olympic Team. They also have a daily draw for a $35 gift certificate.
Get 50 FreeRide points for completing a survey at Cosmetic Connection. Just go this page and hit reload until a survey window pops-up (it may take a few tries).
Love or hate any of the paid-to-surf or points programs you've joined? Go to and send them a complaint or compliment to let them know!
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
In what year did the torch bearer trip and fall during the Olympic opening ceremonies? 1956
What does the term consanguinity mean? A blood relationship
Who was the first U.S. president to come from an area west of the Appalachians? Lincoln
Get 10 MyPoints each from these two links to MyWay's beta site. Link 1 and Link 2. Enjoy.
Sep 25 |
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Who claimed "Time makes more converts than reason."? Thomas Paine
Which athlete won a gold medal in fencing in the 1968 Olympics? Jerzy Powlowski
What does the term saxicolous mean? Inhabiting or growing among rocks.
Only 3 more days until Echo changes their redemption rates for rewards and lowers their maximum number of hours to 100. So make sure you're using it as much as you can over the next few days.
Sep 24 |
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
Who played Audrey Hepburn "The Audrey Hepburn Story"? Jennifer Love Hewitt
What does the term osculation mean? The act of kissing
Who was the first female gymnast to score a perfect 10.0 in Olympic competition? Nadia Comaneci
Wow, I've gotten a lot of BonusMails from MyPoints this week. Almost a dozen.
Sep 23 |
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
How many gold medals did the United States win in the 1936 Olympics? 24
What does the term usufruct mean? The right to use or enjoy something
Where in Italy is the Piazza del Campo located? Siena
Join and get up to 25% rebates on purchases from Canadian and U.S. e-commerce sites. They have many top retailers like, Sam the Record Man and Onvia. Finally, a program for Canadians.
Sep 22 |
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What is a kumquat? fruit
Which two railroads merged to form the CSX Railroad? Chessie System Railway and Seaboard Line Railway
Which artist created the Precious Moments porcelain collection? Samuel Butcher
The PrizeCentral MyPoints link is still available (MyPoints was having some issues that reported links were expired during the last couple of days) as are the MyWay ones. For the MyWay ones you have to scroll down to the bottom and select the categories for the day yourself. I was able to get all of them but the Local one. Visit the MyPoints Links page here.
Sep 21 |
These are almost expiring so take advantage of them if you can:
Save $20 off $100 or more in Amazon's Electronics store with coupon code AMZN-SAVE-ELEC (expires Sep 23) and save $10 off $30 or more from their Toys store with code AMAZSPECLSEP (expires Sep 30).
The MyWay MyPoints links seem to have disappeared the past few days. They're revamping their site so hopefully when the new one launches the points will be there. I got an e-mail from Lee from AOL that the PrizeCentral link has expired but I can't verify that since the MyPoints site seems to be unavailable at this time. Lee also points out that there is a new weekly 10 pointer from BizRate. I've added the link to the MyPoints Links page. Thanks Lee.
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day (sorry for the late post):
What does the term lacuna mean? Gap
What was the primary occupation of Edward Jean Steichen? Photographer
Which country was formerly known as the Belgian Congo? Zaire
My monitor came back. I'll have to see if it's been fixed properly. Also got a 3-pack of golf balls from MaxFli in the mail today.
Sep 20 |
MyPoints has added a "PowerPlays" section with limited time offers. Some of these offers only require a free registration such as Themestream, HomeStead, Uproar and maybe others. Head on over to collect your points! (there should be a link to the section from MyPoints' front page) And don't forget to visit my MyPoints Links page each day to collect the daily, weekly and monthly points.
Visit to get free stuff. Well, as the name implies, the stuff is free after rebate but they have some nice products listed. They ship to Canada too.
Got a complaint about a company? Use! It's free and they claim a 80% resolution rate.
Get 15% off handsfree sets for your cellular phone from
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
John Glenn became senator from which state? Ohio
Where is the Anaktuvuk Pass located? Brooks Range
What does the term imbue mean? Inspire
Got an e-mail overnight from Echo saying that they're making some changes to be "fiscally responsible." The major changes are that maximum number of hours for which you will be rewarded is dropping to 100 from 300 and that the Amazon $18 gift certificates will require 12000 points (three times more than now). These changes are effective September 28th so go accumulate those points now and redeem them before then.
Sep 19 |
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What is the state bird of Oregon? Western meadowlark
Who oversaw the carving of Mt. Rushmore? Gutzon Borglum
Which three countries signed the Tripartite Pact? Japan, Germany, Italy.
Sep 18 |
Moved August news to the archives.
Got home today and found a PointClick cheque for my July purchase. So far so good. I've gotten all my requests for reimbursements from them with one outstanding purchase that I made this month (should be getting the cheque in October then).
PowerDime's trivia answers for the day:
What are phalanges? Fingers and toes
The signing of which document served as a foundation for the United Nations? Atlantic Charter
Which of the following celebrities had a gymnastics scholarship for college? Richard Gere
Want a cheap MP3 player? Amazon has the I-Jam 32Mb for $29.99 USD after rebate. You could order it through but I'm not sure if the rebate cheques come to Canada.
Get a free domain name for a year from You don't actually own it though; they register it and then let you use it for a year, after which you can upgrade to a real registration for $35 USD per year. If you want a domain name to keep for more than a year I would recommend using instead. They charge $15 CDN per year.
Enter and Canadian Tire's "Take it Home" contest to win up to $10,000 in Canadian Tire money.
Sep 17 |
There's three different 10 MyPoints links on the site. Go to their site and click on the vacuums link on the right to find the first link, then go back to the front page and click on Home Decor to find the second and, finally, go click on the Kitchen link from the menu to find the last 10 MyPoints link.
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. My monitor went kaputz and is currently in for repairs. So here's a summary of the good stuff for the past few days:
Trocamania is giving 150 Trocas for each referral now instead of the usual 75. This lasts until the end of October. Be sure to do their health survey for 100 Trocas more.
Toronto Life magazine usually has a bunch of contests on their contest page. A few years ago I won tickets to films and once even won $250 of Nautica clothing. Unfortunately they sent the latter to me through regular post and I never got it.
PowerDime has added GAP gift certificates to the prizes you can redeem through them. These are valid in Canada. They also have survey on baby diapers so go fill it out and get 60 points. By the way, the answers to the trivia for today are (no guarantees they're right though):
Date Rosa Parks was arrested: December 1, 1955
What country has blue and white flag: Scotland
What is a quagmire: A troublesome situation
Clickdough has lowered their payout rates to 12 cents USD per hour for Premium members and 2 cents USD for regular members. Don't bother with them. Go with Spedia.
Found an Amazon gift certificate in my inbox the other day from Echo. I was getting worried about them. If you haven't signed up be sure to do so. They're still the EASIEST way to earn anything. You just listen to music and redeem the points for Amazon gift certificates.
Sep 13 |
Removed $ from the Paid-to-surf page as per the news mentioned yesterday.
Amazon is having a 50% off sale on selected DVDs. Titles such as Saving Private Ryan, The Exorcist and the Disney DVD collection are included in the sale.
Sep 12 |
I haven't gotten around to using them this month yet so I didn't notice this. $ has gone belly-up. As of September 1st they were "permanently closed." Oh well, use FreeRide to get your Amazon gift certificates or Firstlook to get your Flooz from now on.
Got an e-mail from PointClick regarding the status of July reimbursements. Apparently they got some new funding and the cheques will be in the mail Sept 13. It's not very comforting to know that they were so close to not being able to pay but I have received all of the reimbursements I've claimed so far.
A couple of coupon codes for use on Onvia Canada. Both expire October 15th 2000. Use "EDC-CMK-IGF" to get $50 off $200 or more or use "EDC-CLK-IGF" to save $25 off $100 or more.
Sep 11 |
Sunoco has a contest for a fully restored 1970 Porsche 911 Targa (contest open only to Ontario residents). They also have "Web Gas" packages where you essentially pre-pay for gasoline and get a number of free car washes. has a contest for a Jeep filled with gardening stuff. I'm not much into gardening (ick...bugs) but the Jeep would be cool.
The $20 off $100 or more coupon (code AMZN-ELEC-DEAL) for purchases of from Amazon's electronics store expires Sept. 12. Just a reminder. Amazon doesn't ship electronics across the border so you'll have to get someone in the States to relay it to you.
I've updated the Paid-to-surf page with current information and opinions on AllAdvantage and Spedia. If you don't have many referrals at the moment it's better to go with Spedia. often has contests on their site. Currently you get a chance to win a home theatre system, Sarah Brightman concert tickets, a DVD player and, the most interesting one of all, a Hugh Hefner wardrobe.
Sep 10 |
I've added a new 10 daily MyPoints to the MyPoints Links page.
Get 100 Trocas for Trocamania's new health survey. Log in to their site and select "Taking surveys." If you haven't already, sign up for Trocamania. For 833 Trocas you can get a $10 Amazon gift certificate.
Need a web host? offers (surprise!) free SQL web hosting. If you get more than a 1000 visitors a month there's advertising, but not if you don't.
Get a free t-shirt from Cisco for playing their "game" promoting their DSL products.
The Uproar Bingo link on the MyPoints Links page has expired so I've removed it.
Sep 6 |
Get $5 off an Olay product (and it's for Canadian's only!).
An odd name for a points program but nevertheless this one could be worth looking into. SuzyKats lets you earn points for "for shopping, visiting sites, trying out offers, reading newsletters, entering contests, reporting coupons and deals, referring friends and much more." You can redeem the points for gift certificates (Amazon included!) for as low as 500 points.
Sep 4 |
Epinions now pays its international members but it's a long process (involving IRS forms, snail mail and such) and you need to have earned at least $100 USD first. However, it's a very good site where you can post reviews and share in the income when other people read your reviews. A good source of information when you plan on buying something. is having a contest for a home entertainment system. Not just any home entertainment system...a HDTV home entertainment system. Sweet.
Enter the Bank of Montreal's contest to win a free i-connect account with the monthly fee waived for life or two second place prizes of $2,500 each. Maybe I'm short-sighted but the second place prizes sound more appealing.
Enter and Bell Mobility's contest for tickets to sporting or arts events.
Sep 3 |
On their front page they say it's free but then the next page gives prices so I don't know if it's really free. Sounds neat anyways:
Some savings: |
Save $30 off $150 or more with coupon code "94938" and save $15 off $100 or more with code "94935" |
| |
$15 off purchase of $30 or more with code "SAVARIN" |
| |
$10 off $20 purchase with code "COOKS" |
OmahaSteaks: |
Get 4 5oz. Filet Mignons for $24.99 USD and get 6 free burgers with coupon code "RZ0890" |
eBags: |
Go here to save 20% off your next purchase (free shipping) |
Esso is giving away $10 coupons + free shipping when you purchase 25 litres of gas this labour day weekend. Sorry, it's a little late but gas prices have been high this weekend so you may not be missing out on much. Well, if you don't mind lying about having a Mastercard you can go here and use 519259 as the first 6 digits to get a $10 off coupon from (there's no minimum purchase but no free shipping either).
Just to be fair here's a $10 off $20 purchase coupon for
AllAdvantage lays off 100 more people in its quest for profitability (and that's only 18% of its workforce) according to the article over on
Sep 1 |
AllAdvantage lays off 100 more people in its quest for profitability (and that's only 18% of its workforce) according to the article over on
A word of warning before you click on the MyPoints links below: MyPoints seems to be reversing points for some people who have received points from offers not targeted to them. Click at your own risk and redeem your points quickly.
Sign up for the Bargaineer's Club at Andy's Garage and get 100 MyPoints. Enter their sweepstakes and get 20 more.
Get 100 MyPoints from Pyramid Brewing for entering their contest (contest open to US residents only).
Aug 31 |
Most of you should have received the e-mail by now but here it is anyways: AllAdvantage is trying to convince people to join their new sweepstakes program by lowering the payout rates for September to 30 cents CDN per hour and a 20 hour maximum. That compares with August's rates of 75 cents CDN per hour and a 14 hour maximum. So you have to surf more to earn approximately 40% less. Better than nothing but your time may be better off used on Spedia.
Finally got my Palm Vx yesterday (I ordered it with gift certificates off Amazon so I had to get it shipped to a relative in the States first). So any one have any ideas as to which programs I should get for it? E-mail me with suggestions.
Aug 30 |
I stopped using Firstlook after they removed the Amazon gift certificates but they now offer Flooz (2000 points for $20 of Flooz; same as the old Amazon deal). What's Flooz? Flooz is an online currency (Whoopi Goldberg is their spokesperson, no less) that you can spend at such places as, (Klipsch THX speakers!) and Ashford.
Those of you looking for the MyWay points for the day will find that they're testing some beta design (until tomorrow) so the links on the MyPoints Links page don't work properly. You'll have to scroll to the bottom of their beta page and manually click on the pages for the day (Health, Home & Family and Politics) to find the MyPoints links.
Aug 29 |
Some of you may have noticed this already but the TalkCity links for MyPoints are now monthly instead of weekly. I've moved them on the MyPoints Links page to reflect that.
Aug 28 |
Win a Levi's "engineered" jeans outfit from
Enter's Nurse Betty movie contest to win double passes to an exclusive screening. Even if you don't win go see this movie, it's supposed to be very good.
Get a $20 off any purchase over $100 coupon from IKEA. Simply go here and then drag the yellow boxes into the picture with the dog and at the end you'll see a link to the coupon at the bottom.
Amazon has a end-of-summer clearance on toys and video games. Use the coupon I posted yesterday to save even more. Unfortunately they don't ship any of those to Canada so you'll have to have someone in the States relay the shipment to you.
You'll probably not receive it but it's worth a try: Compaq is giving out free tote bags for registering for the StorageWorks program.
Got an e-mail today asking how I was able to join FreeRide without residing in the States. I should've pointed this out earlier but if you join with a fictitious American address (zip code 90210 comes in useful) and you only order rewards that ship to you via e-mail (such as Amazon gift certificates) then you shouldn't experience any problems. So join FreeRide today, it's the best way to get Amazon gift certificates now that Echo is taking so long to ship theirs.
I've moved the Omaha Steaks link on the MyPoints Links page since it is no longer a monthly reward. Some people are reporting that MyPoints is cracking down on people obtaining points through pages like mine. I'd recommend you cash out your rewards as soon as you can instead of waiting to collect for the big rewards.
Aug 27 |
Save $20 off $100 electronics purchases at Amazon with coupon code CE9J-QU4SN4-SK9TGE. Also, save $10 off $30 or more from their toy store with coupon code AMAZSPECLSEP.
MSNBC has an article on AllAdvantage's new sweepstakes program and their attempts to become profitable.
Aug 25 |
100 MyPoints from eMemories for registering with them.
Aug 23 |
Get 115 MyPoints for registering Sinclair Distance Learning (click on request more info and just enter your first name, last name and e-mail address).
Aug 22 |
I can't verify that this one works but you're supposed to get 185 MyPoints for registering with
Bad news for you Echo listeners. Echo is now saying that due to the overwhelming response to their program it may now take up to 2 months to receive rewards that you have ordered. I guess I'll focus my efforts now on FreeRide, Trocamania and PowerDime to build up my collection of Amazon gift certificates.
This can't be good either: $urfingPrizes is trying to sell their ad rotations on eBay.
Enter Rogers @home's contest for a $10,000 Internet shopping spree at FutureShop.
Aug 21 |
Received two things in the mail today (besides bills): A t-shirt from for a questionnaire I completed on their RoboHelp product and a defrosting ice-cream scoop (not free; it cost me $40!) that I ordered through I've also written up a review of BorderFree's service for those you who might be interested in using them in the future.
AllAdvantage has introduced it's new Jackpot-style program where, instead of earning money for surfing, you can earn chances to win prizes. It seems like they're giving existing members the choice to stay with the paid-2-surf program or switch over to the Jackpot-style program and you can switch month-to-month. You'll have to visit their site and read the FAQ to get all the details.
Win one of the world's smallest cell phones, the Motorola V8160 from CellWest.
Aug 20 |
Trocamania has some new websites to visit for points. I recently ordered a $10 Amazon gift certificate from them. Let's see how long it takes for them to deliver.
It's been a few days since the last update (my connection has been dead) but here's some new MyPoints links to make up for it:
Get 100 MyPoints for registering with
Then get another 110 MyPoints from
CNN has an article on hackers and paid-2-surf sites.
Aug 14 |
Enter's contest for the much-hyped Sony Playstation 2.
Got a few cheques in the mail today: a cheque each from Spedia and AllAdvantage. That's my first cheque from Spedia and I think I've received at least ten from AllAdvantage although it's been a while since the last one.
Here's a tip for those of you signed up with Trocamania but haven't been to their site everyday to answer the daily Troca question. If you click on TrocaQuestion Collection under Earn Trocas you'll get a chance to answer all the previous missed questions for 2 Trocas each. I think Trocamania has the best selection of retailers for which you can redeem points for (including Amazon!).
Aug 13 |
Win a locker full of stuff from Grand & Toy (you've got to be 12 to 18 years of age and enrolled in a Canadian high school).
A few new programs today, the first of which is INeedThat.TV which pays you to take surveys after you see "keywords" that are displayed during TV shows, on billboards and other media. Sounds pretty ambitious but, hey, it could be the next big thing.
Next up is Youtopia. This is a youth-oriented site (Britney Spears is their official mascot) that lets you earn "YOUdollars" by playing games and basically using their site. What are "YOUdollars" worth? Well, 1000 of them equals a $5 gift certificate from merchants including Overall, this seems like a very professional site (with sponsors like Sony)
And the last one for today is Ignifuge which pays you for having them as your start page and downloading their tracker software. As I learn more about this program (and the others above) I'll add it to the list.
Aug 12 |
I've updated almost every one of the pages on this site. New programs listed now include Jotter, Skiddily, $urfingPrizes, PowerDime, and FreeRide. The last three are good if you're chasing after Amazon gift certificates like I am.
Aug 11 |
Visit this site to get free imperfect t-shirts.
After surfing around the $ site I noticed that they can pay you either by cheque, Flooz or Amazon gift certificates. That's pretty flexible.
MyPoints now allows you to redeem your points at for (drum roll please...) gift certificates from Chapters, HMV, The Keg, Bombay Company, Famous Players and Cineplex Odeon as well as some other Canadian retailers.
Firstlook no longer offers Amazon gift certificates as a reward. They still have other rewards from Blockbuster, MassMerchandise and though. You can still get Amazon gift certificates from Echo and Jaboom.
Aug 10 |
Go register with and get 50 MyPoints.
Get a free mousepad from Home2Be. Just click on the link on the bottom left and register.
Get 100 MyPoints for registering with MySeasons ("a gardener's paradise").
Remember that operation I mentioned a month or two back? They ship goods ordered online off American sites to Canada. Well, they're officially launching August 16th. In the meantime, if you go there, download their software and order something before August 15th you get free expedited shipping. Unfortunately, they won't honour those Amazon gift certificates you earned through Echo, Firstlook or Jaboom.
Aug 9 |
Visit this Pathfinder page to get free trial issues of Time-Warner magazines (such as Sports Illustrated, Fortune, eCompany and, of course, Time).
Aug 8 |
Enter Onvia Canada's contest for a Mercedes-Benz ML320 SUV (wow). At the end of the process you also get a coupon for $50 off $300 or more from Onvia.
Planning on buying $100 or more off Enter coupon code 95190 and get a free Cross pen valued at $17.99.
Join PowerDime, it's a program similar to MyPoints where you visit some websites and collect points to earn gift certificates. I got a $10 Amazon gift certificate from them today.
Amazon now has the new Palm M100 available for purchase (or, at least, pre-order). This new gadget goes for only $149 USD so it won't take you that long to earn it with Echo.
Aug 7 |
Enter the Canoe Handyman quiz contest and win an IPC computer.
Another one of the "state of the paid-2-surf industry" articles, this time focussing on the FreeWebStuff program (funny, never heard of that one but I don't think I'll try it after this). As usual, the Register tells it like it is.
Removed the TalkCity Health Trivia link from the MyPoints Links page since the quizzes don't reward MyPoints anymore.
Aug 5 |
Get 100 MyPoints for registering with University Alliance. And then get 115 more from InfoRocket for registering with them.
Aug 4 |
Join FreeAirMiles to earn a $100 Amazon GC every time you collect 8333 miles. I think if you click all the links on the page you'll get 100 miles every 24 hours.
Win an Aztek (Pontiac's new love-it-or-hate-it SUV/car hybrid).
Get 100 MyPoints from Regis University's MBA program for Physicians (you're supposed to be a doctor).
Aug 2 |
Get a free Exploring Mexico T-shirt for registering on their website.
For those of you who are having problems with Echo try using it without any viewbars running in the background. AllAdvantage & Spedia don't seem to work with Echo on my system but $ seems to be okay. For those of you who don't know, Echo lets you listen to music to earn Amazon gift certificates (helped me get a Palm Vx for FREE)
Updated the MyPoints Links page with two one-time links and removed the SmartPages link because that has expired.
Aug 1 |
Visit's contest page for a bunch of contests, including chances to visit Britney Spears (oh yeah).
It's a new month so start surfing with those viewbars!
Get 110 MyPoints from Eversave (just register or register again with a different e-mail address if you have previously).
July 31 |
This page was getting too big so I moved old news (prior to July) onto an archive page. Click the link at the bottom if you wish to read through a history of this site (com'n, I know you want to).
Get 105 MyPoints for registering with Productopia's contest.
July 29 |
Removed the CCB-Paris link from the MyPoints Links page since it has expired.
Get 100 MyPoints from HP Cartogra for registering.
It seems some people have had 500 points deducted from their MyPoints accounts. I had it too and e-mailed them about it. Their reply was that I had two MyPoints accounts active (one of which I wasn't aware of) and that they would address the reversal once I told them which of my accounts to delete.
July 28 |
680 News (a Toronto radio station) has a bunch of contests on their site.
Get a free subscription to Popular Mechanics magazine. Come to think of it, that's an odd name for a magazine.
Firstlook has changed their interface so that it's not as easy as it was before to get points and it seems to have slowed down their server. They tried implementing this new interface a week or so ago but gave up. Hopefully they'll give up again and restore the previous one. They're still good if you want a $20 Amazon gift certificate every 16 days.
I've removed the Headin' to Hawaii! contest link from the MyPoints Links page since that contest is now over. Good luck to everyone who entered.
July 27 |
Wow, lots of postings for today. You'll like this one: 110 MyPoints from Find a school, any school. It should bring up a registration screen after a few pages and you get the link after you register.
Those of you that used the $20 of $20 purchase coupon for Fandom Shop (see July 20th post) your order has most likely been cancelled. I got an e-mail today from them saying the coupon is not valid and that in return they'll give me $10 off a $35 purchase if I call them. And I was really hoping to get the Homer and Bart figurines...
Get 110 MyPoints from APC. Also added DealTime weekly link to the MyPoints Links page.
For those of you who signed up for to get your $20 to subscribe to their online magazine it doesn't look likely that you'll ever see that $20. The Globe & Mail has an article on how they're in financial difficulty.
Enter the Microsoft Windows Me contest for your chance to win copies of Windows Me signed by Bill Gates (whoa!) or a trip to some fancy digital home and a digital camera.
MyWay MyPoints links are back up so go grab them from my MyPoints Links page.
Ordered myself a Palm Vx off Amazon using gift certificates I earned through Jaboom, Firstlook and Echo.
July 26 |
I've added checkboxes to the MyPoints Links page so that when you click on a link the checkbox beside that link is automatically checked. This way you know which TalkCity or MyWay links you've done already. Try it out! I've also removed the Szul daily link as that no longer works.
Though they never paid Canadians this tidbit of Mvalue news is notable as it reflects the current state of the Paid-to-surf industry: Mvalue will become SweepSurf and offer cash prizes instead of paying members for surfing. Read about it at
July 25 |
A fellow Canadian referred me to two new Paid-to-Surf programs (as well as CashFiesta which I'd already signed up for) over the past weekend and I got around to signing up for them today. Apparently cheques have been received from all of these (including CashFiesta):
$ - $0.20 USD per hour
CashSurfers - between $0.15 and $0.20 USD per hour
I'll add these two programs and CashFiesta to the Paid-to-Surf page soon.
Well, the @home servers still seem to be going up and down but it's getting better. For those who are persistent and get to this site here's a reward for your efforts: Get 75 MyPoints for signing up with RightQuote (don't enter anything on the second page, just choose "no thanks, $10K is enough for me")
Other freebies for today:
Get a free trial issue of Business 2.0 magazine
Get free skateboard themed stickers from Antix.
July 24 |
If you've been having trouble getting to this site it's because the @home servers where these pages reside has been experiencing periods of downtime. On that note, why not sign up for Rogers@home cable internet?.
July 21 |
Bored? Join ePilot and click on their links for 3 cents USD per. Unlimited clicks too. Seems to be good to be true but it's worth a try.
July 20 |
Enter HMV's contest to see the Lion King on Broadway, including air fare & accomodations.
Get a free t-shirt from for giving them 5 e-mail addresses.
Added two new weekly MyPoints links to the appropriately titled MyPoints Links page.
Save $20 off any purchase of $20 or more from Fandom Shop with this coupon code: FANCM3. They've got Simpsons toys and various other comics/anime/Star Wars toys and gifts.
July 18 |
Another coupon:
95185 - Get a free Cross pen (value $17.99) with your first purchase over $100.
Added a new monthly link to the MyPoints Links page.
July 17 |
Got a big cheque ($180.94USD) from PointClick for reimbursement for my purchase on Maybe reports of PointClick's imminent demise are exaggerated. In recognition of this I've moved PointClick up the scale on the Misc. page and added a few hints on getting the best value out of them.
I've also moved GarageBand and Jaboom down the scale on the Misc. page because GarageBand hasn't sent me a $50 Amazon gift certificate two weeks after I requested it and Jaboom simply takes too much time (Echo is SO much simpler).
Amazon is having a Fifth year anniversary sale. The savings aren't that big but they do have the Wallace & Gromit DVD for $20.99USD (now if only I had a DVD player).
AllAdvantage lays off 60 of its employees. Read the story from here.
July 16 |
Get an Olay gift set (for Canadians only!).
Get an Added SmartPages.Com to the weekly MyPoints links.
Some codes for you:
94689 - Save $30 off your first purchase of $150 or more
94688 - Save $15 off your first purchase of $100 or more
426985 - Get a free attaché with your first purchase of $100 or more.
July 13 |
Save $10 off any order over $20 from Amazon's Kids, Software, DVDS & Video, Toys, Video games or Books stores with this code: HARRYPTTRSPC (just enter it as a gift certificate code).
July 12 |
Get 100 MyPoints for completing this survey from MyWay. On another note I've moved the MyWay points on my MyPoints Links page to the Daily section.
July 11 |
The Zoomerang MyPoints daily offer is working again. Get 25 MyPoints daily! Get them from my MyPoints Links page.
Join Mercata today and get $100 store credit to pay for up to 20% of any order. They also have free shipping until July 17th (to Canada too!). Who are they? They're like MobShop in that the more people that sign up to buy something the lower the price.
July 10 |
Reserve your copy of the 2001 IKEA catalog (a truly heavily anticipated item).
July 9 |
I've added a MyPoints links page with daily, weekly, monthly and one-time links to MyPoints. Hope you find it useful.
Join and get a free t-shirt plus the chance to win a Palm V and other prizes. Once you join as an expert you can answer questions and get paid for it!.
July 6 |
Send a complaint, comment, compliment or suggestion to any company through and get 115 MyPoints.
So far I've gotten two $18 Amazon gift certificates from just for listening to music! Check them out.
July 5 | has a little report on how people are taking advantage of the special offers that e-commerce sites have (specifically refers to that $50 coupon, Altavista's 500,000 points award and Staples' free attaché).
Win the "perfect dinner party" from
July 4 |
Onvia Canada once again has a $25 coupon for purchases over $200 and a chance to win a HP computer bundle. Click here to enter the contest which will lead you to the coupon.
July 3 |
Chapters has some new contests:
Win a Maisy prize pack (if you don't know who Maisy is, don't bother...let the kids win this one)
Win a Penguin Classics library including mouse, juggling set (?), stationary and T-shirt
Not surprisingly AllAdvantage has called off their planned IPO. Check out the article on for more information and some interesting tidbits (including such acknowledgments as "Our revenues may never exceed our expenses, and we may never achieve profitability"). Why do I keep AllAdvantage at #1 in my Top 5? Because they still pay me cash and cash is still king in my books.
I've also updated the Paid-to-Surf page to reflect that AllAdvantage will be paying Canadians for a maximum of 15 hours of surfing this month.
July 2 |
Enter here to win a D-link DI-701 Home Gateway (a little device to share your broadband connection and prevent hackers from well...hacking you).
If you're into Tom Green's type of humour sign up for Laffstock's newsletter and get a free "Road Kill" mousepad.
Get an additional 150 MyPoints for signing up with eStyle.
July 1 |
Happy Canada Day!
Sign up with Sylvan Learning Centres to get a free video AND get 375 MyPoints! After you sign up you have to choose the location nearest you to find the link to the points.
June 29 |
Signed myself up for PowerDime. It seems to be like MyPoints in that you earn points to visit sites, signing up for things and taking surveys. There's also a daily trivia question. You can redeem their points for gift certificates from Amazon, Wal-Mart, Sears and others. I'll try it out for a few days before deciding where it deserves a permanent spot on this site.
Even more things we Canadians miss out on: Get a free Mag-lite courtesy of Panasonic here if you have an US shipping address.
June 28 |
Sign up for eWanted and get 200 MyPoints.
For those of you having problems with here's a list of things you can do that might help:
keep the browser window open as well as the pop-up browser window (leave both as is and just listen)
upgrade to RealPlayer 8 beta and go to Macromedia to ensure you have latest version of Flash player
do not use other programs that require RealPlayer at the same time (ie. Firstlook or Garageband)
if any of the browser windows for crashes you'll most likely crash again if you don't reboot (even on Windows2000)
AllAdvantage sent out a sneak peek of their AdvantageGear store to A+ members. They're going to try and sell shirts, mugs, pens and even surfboards with their logo. That seems pretty desperate to me.
June 27 |
Mazda Canada is giving away a 2001 Tribute (their new SUV). Click here for your chance to win.
Get 115 MyPoints here courtesy of Just enter your e-mail address to sign up for their newsletter.
June 26 |
A bunch of contests today:
Want a chance to win a trip to the Olympic games in Sydney, Australia courtesy of Sympatico? Click here.
The Globe & Mail is having a daily contest for 3com webcams. Enter here. is having contest for a Panasonic home theatre system. Visit their site and click on the banner ad at the top left. You'll have to go find 10 DVDs to add to your wishlist and then you can enter the contest (don't worry, they have better instructions on their site).
June 24 |
Not really exciting for Canadians since only Americans can sign up for this: AllAdvantage is now offering AdvantageGrams. Basically, you get e-mail advertisements and if you click on the link you get 5 cents. They're saying you'll get approximately 6 messages a that's 30 cents more a month. Woohoo. I guess we Canadians aren't missing out on too much there.
Get 115 MyPoints for signing up with Domania.
Planning to buy something online? or wondering which of the companies listed within this site will be the next dot-com casualty? Check out this rude but informative site to get the latest gossip on the industry (warning, the previous link is rated AA).
I've added Jackpot to the Misc. page.
June 23 |
Get 100 MyPoints here. Also, here's a list of gift certificates available from MyPoints that are redeemable in Canada: Alaska Airlines, Roots, Blockbuster, Eddie Bauer, Universal Tickets, Hilton Honors, Marriott, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Collectors Corner, Home Depot, Women's Consumer Network
June 22 |
Canadian Beenz collectors now have more options when spending your Beenz: sells gift certificates (obviously) for Canadian retailers such as Holt Renfrew, Chapters, HMV, The Keg and La Senza and they let you pay with Beenz! The exchange rate is 135 Beenz for each CDN $. Click here for more information.
June 21 |
Well, I liked enough to add it to the Misc. page. It works fine for me now and I've figured out that you don't even have to rate songs. You can just listen to music and earn points for it! Additionally, get points for the time that your referrals (up to four levels!) listen. It just seems too simple! Well, until I actually earn something it won't be going on the Top 5 list.
Got a T-shirt from in the mail today.
June 19 |
Two new programs to tell you about today:
Surfola - earn points while you surf sites within a framed page (maximum 1,000 points per day, 20,000 per month) and 50,000 points will get you a $25 Amazon gift certificate - earn rewards for rating music like Firstlook (it seems to be more involved than Firstlook but not as much as GarageBand)
Win golf merchandise from Nevada Bob's, courtesy of the Globe and Mail (their site now has real-time news updates...well written, well read) is having a door crashers/Canada day sale. Check it out if you want to pick up a Diamond Rio MP3 player for $99.
Amazon has an introductory "Books for a penny" sale. Check it out if you're desperate for something to read.
June 15 |
Fortune magazine has taken a pretty harsh look at AllAdvantage. Read the article here. Best to sign up and get some cash while you can =)
Wanna get a very good ice cream scoop? or anything else from Amazon Kitchen? Use this code for $10 off $25 or more:
NEW-AMZN-KTCHN (expires August 18th 2000)
June 14 |
Seems Mvalue has realized that they can follow AllAdvantage's lead and lower their monthly maximum hours. The e-mail I received today states that, effective July 1st, they'll lower the max hours to 15 and increase the minimum earned amount to receive a cheque to $30USD. Oh well...doesn't matter to us Canadians much since they're still only paying US members.
June 13 |
MyPoints has added a few new links to their Earn Points section, including iHarvest which gives you 115 MyPoints for signing up. Also, you may have tried this link already but in case you missed it, get 500 MyPoints here for signing up.
I was referred to thanks to a kind visitor. Apparently it's a UK-based program that pays 50 cents USD per hour.
He also referred me to CashFiesta but unfortunately I had already signed up for that. My experience so far with CashFiesta has not been good since their website is very very slow.
I think that since there are so many various programs out there I'll mention the new ones on this page first and if they prove to be good programs (actually pay, etc.) I'll list them on the various sub-pages.
June 12 |
Now (C|Net) has picked up on AllAdvantage's technical problems and their recent change in policy. Read it here.
Found a good site for those of you looking for good bargains on computer hardware or various other e-commerce deals:
It's only available in the States but it's still interesting. Get a free car (adorned with more advertising than a downtown construction site, of course) at
Got a $50 Roots gift certificate today thanks to MyPoints.
June 11 |
For 115 MyPoints click here and sign up.
Added GarageBand to the Misc. page. It's a good alternative to Jaboom! now that the latter has run out of songs to rate.
For those of you having trouble checking your stats with AllAdvantage you can go to their UK website and get your stats.
June 8 |
There's an article on AllAdvantage's recent changes to their payment policy over at Internet News. Click here to read it.
June 7 |
*update* FutureShop now says that the e-mail was a hoax. Still doesn't explain how the practical joker was able to get their mailing list though.
Got an e-mail from FutureShop today saying that their credit card database has been compromised and that they recommend you get your credit card numbers changed. Apparently this affects all purchases made in the past 3 years from their website AND from their stores. Not very reassuring. now sells a small selection of electronics through an joint deal with Radio Shack Canada. Look below for coupons if you find a good deal.
Want to see a special screening of Chicken Run (from the makers of Wallace and Gromit)? Click here.
Oh, I actually got my cash out cheque from PointClick. Maybe now I'll actually buy something and hope to get reimbursed.
Get 115 MyPoints. Click here.
June 3 |
Added PointClick to the Misc. page.
June 1 |
Wow, it seems as if AllAdvantage is really restructuring how their system works (which may explain why their website has been down quite a lot lately). I got an e-mail today saying that for Canada the maximum paid hours will now be 14 hours but that they expect this to fluctuate each month going forward. For some other countries the maximum hours has actually gone up.
Well, guess I won't be expecting as much money from them now. I sure hope Mvalue comes to Canada soon.
May 31 |
Get $10 off your next $25 purchase at
Get a free Hewlett-Packard windbreaker. Click here.
May 30 |
I've added OpinionBar to the Paid-to-Surf programs.
Surprisingly, I got a cheque from GotoWorld today but they're still paying too low a rate to be worth my time.
Ever wanted to buy something online but found that the store does not ship to Canada? or have you found the shipping costs to be prohibitive? A new service,, will be available soon. Basically, they have an address in the States where your order is shipped to and then they ship it to you. A small service charge though.
BTW, I've fixed the javascript errors that you may have been getting with IE4. If you notice any other errors please e-mail me.
May 29 |
AllAdvantage has changed their payout terms for Canadians.
May 22 |
I've added Trocomania to the Points page and Jaboom! and FirstLook to the Misc page.
May 12 |
Almost there. most of the Paid-to-surf programs are listed. E-mail me if you spot any errors. Thanks.
May 5 |
Just setting up the site. Hopefully have it complete within a week.